Monday, February 15, 2010

New Blog!

Dear friends,

I doubt this blog will be discovered by anyone in the near future, but, in case you've come here looking for Clayton's photos, feel free to browse through the archives, and then please check out

I will be discontinuing this blog and only posting to the new blog from now on. Thank you all!


Tuesday, August 04, 2009

New Site....

Drumroll please! ...............

I have a new website!

or, to those of you hidden behind a corporate firewall...


Yes, it's hosted through smugmug, but they offer a boatload of tools to fully customize your site. I imagine some day making my own complete site, but for now, this will do.

Also, coming soon, the ability to buy prints!

This is for the whole 3 people who read this.... haha.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Picture Test



Been gone for a while…

Sorry there hasn’t been any activity on here for oh… a year or so… No one even reads this I’m sure.  I’ve been pretty busy in the meantime, and plan to have a full website setup in the near future.  Check back in a month!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Maker's Mark Final

Maker's Mark Final, originally uploaded by ctbmagnet.

This is my last commercial photography assignment, for Food... well, it's a beverage, but my prof was ok with that...

Taken with a Hasselblad with a digital back worth more than the sum of all of my photography equipment, computers, tv, and other material possessions!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So... uhm.. broke a camera.

Yeah, so... Please don't try a camera toss, unless it is with a camera you DON'T care about. I took a few more shots this weekend in that style and ended up breaking my D50 due to a rough catch. Now I'm sending it in to see if it can be fixed...

However, I can't really go without a camera, so I bought a D80. I know that a D200 or D300 probably would have been a better choice, but the budget really hasn't allowed for it yet. Eventually I'd like to get a D300, but I guess that will have to be postponed a little.

So far, I really like my D80, its got some very nice new features for me to play with, and my initial few images have had some really nice colors.

I'll have some new photos up soon, going to Niagara Falls this weekend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Symphony Swirl

Symphony Swirl, originally uploaded by ctbmagnet.

This is not some computer generated image, I actually took this with a camera...

By throwing it.


Maybe throwing is not such a good idea, but yes, I took my camera, tossed it into the air while the shutter was open, and got the image that you see here, as well as the one below it. I'm sure there will be more to come as this newfound technique seems pretty cool!


Springtime!, originally uploaded by ctbmagnet.

A bug's view

A bug's view, originally uploaded by ctbmagnet.

I actually shot this last summer, but I sometimes revisit my shots and see how I can improve them, with a simple levels tweak I was able to give new life to this picture.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Goodbye to some Photos!

Well friends, readers, whoever randomly stumbles upon this page..

I deleted a massive amount of photos from my Flickr account yesterday. Not because they were terrible, or naughty, or anything, but because I want to try to showcase only my best shots. I removed plenty of decent photos, but they are all photos that I look at and say, "well, that's ok, but I've done better". From now on, I hope to only post photos that I'm really proud of or happy with.

I guess the general goal is that I get maximum impact from 10 good photos, not 30 mediocre ones.